
Partnership with Steven Pettis Ministries
Have you ever wondered why we are called the “Body of Christ”? This phrase gives us insight as to what partnership is all about; we are meant to be connected to each other in one way or another.

Philippians 1:3-5 gives an interesting revelation about partnership. The Apostle Paul, speaking to the church at Phillipi, goes on to say “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy, For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now.” (KJV)

In other translations, the word “fellowship” is translated as “partnership”, which is defined as the state or condition of being a partner; participation; association; joint interest; the state of sharing mutual interests, experiences and activities. This gives us an idea that partnership must be between believers who share a mutual interest.
The Greek word for “fellowship” translates to “communion”, which means this isn’t a worldly business partnership, but a covenant between us believers of Jesus Christ.

Why Should You Partner With Steven Pettis Ministries?
Partnership with SPM comes with the honor of advancing the Gospel through the ministry that is in Apostle Pettis. Ephesians 4:11-12 “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”

Apostle Pettis was sent to preach the Word of God in order to bring souls into His Kingdom and develop mature leaders within the Body of Christ. By partnering with him, your prayers and financial support allow his message of salvation, deliverance, health, and covenant wealth to be spread through multiple media outlets including television and radio broadcasts, the internet and missions trips around the globe.

How else can you benefit from partnership with Steven Pettis Ministries?:
• Regular prayer from SPM on behalf of all partners
• A certificate of partnership
• A monthly letter to encourage you and stir your faith in the things of God
• 20% off everything in the SPM online store
• Exclusive access to partner-only meetings held by Apostle Pettis

And last but not least, Paul said to his partners in the church at Philippi, for their partnership in the Gospel “ye are partakers of my grace” (Phil 1:7). Your partnership in the Gospel affords you the same spiritual grace and reward that is on Dr. Pettis.

What is the role of an SPM partner?
• Pray for the strength, health and ministry of Apostle Pettis as he seeks God to deliver the message that His people need
• As God leads you, support SPM periodically with a financial contribution, enabling worldwide manifestations of salvation and deliverance
• Attend meetings announced by Apostle Pettis and SPM to hear a specific Word from God