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Why is it hard or challenging for some fathers to assume primary responsibility for their children?

Why is it hard or challenging for some fathers to assume primary responsibility for their children? It is always assumed the mother is always the one who is primarily responsible for them. It can depend on the structure of the house and ...

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How do you trust and forgive someone when you’ve been hurt?

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Find Yourself, Encourage Yourself, Love Yourself

If you’re being honest, on a scale from 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your life? Before you answer, let me say that this message is for you only. It’s not for your friend, your spouse, your boss ...

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Spouses with Separate accounts | Apologizing Parents

  Q: What do you think about husbands and wives having separate bank accounts? A: If both spouses are in agreement and it’s not done maliciously or to hide funds, this can definitely work. Whether it is separate or joint accounts, it ...

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