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Meditation: The Missing Method to Make Your Way

God put on my heart to remind His people about the importance of meditation. Some of you may already know or have heard about it, but some may not know how important meditating on the Word of God is. I’m ...

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How long should engagements last?| Raising a child in a split family

How long should an engagement last? Biblically, an engagement is when a husband finds a wife and they come into agreement to say, “this is the wife I am going to be a husband to” and vice versa. However, most people ...

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Feelings of rejection | How to tell if you're in a faith fight

How do I deal with rejection and not succumb to the feeling of being “not enough”? You have to change your perception and how you receive things from people. Second Corinthians 4:9 speaks of being “persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, ...

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Why is it hard or challenging for some fathers to assume primary responsibility for their children?

Why is it hard or challenging for some fathers to assume primary responsibility for their children? It is always assumed the mother is always the one who is primarily responsible for them. It can depend on the structure of the house and ...

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